Michael Saltzstein | Content Marketing in 2019

It’s 2019, and the Internet landscape has changed, says Michael Saltzstein. He notes that while some marketing strategies have become brute force (think YouTube ads that appear before, during, and after a video plays) like traditional marketing techniques, some marketing strategies remain subtle and still effective. There’s the popular influencer marketing, which utilizes the power of macro- and micro-influencers to change minds. But one thing that has evolved and remains a mainstay of online marketing strategies is content marketing.

For those who haven’t tried it, Michael Saltzstein defines content marketing as a strategy of creating, churning out informative, relevant, and valuable content in hopes of bolstering or changing the purchasing decisions of an audience. It may seem that the extra effort might not be worth it with the Internet’s proclivity towards memes and quick-fire videos, but with the right amount of interest and the right amount of curiosity, people still want to be informed. Image Source: Digital Resource

In other words, their attention can still be satiated with an informative content, said Michael Saltzstein. Blogs these days don’t stick to just producing written content. Some even offer infographics, whitepapers, video content, or podcasts—whatever they need to get their message across. Some even combine the best of content marketing and other marketing strategies.

For example, partnering with YouTube content creators can help you produce meaningful, informative content that not only markets your products, goods, or services, but also reach a specific audience—the creator’s fan base. It’s still content marketing, but with the mix of influencer marketing. You could also see this in sponsored articles from news sites—a mix of sponsorship marketing and content marketing.

But what makes content remain a royalty when it comes to marketing strategies are its following qualities.

1. Consistency

For content marketing to be effective, it needs to be consistent, says Michael Saltzstein. There needs to be distinction with the content, but consistent with the brand enough that there won’t be an abrupt disconnect with the topics you typically churn out. Same goes with the tone, feel, and voice of your content.

2. Relevance

People must relate to the content you deliver. Potential customers and clients typically look for content that can either change or bolster their purchasing decisions. Michael Saltzstein believes that catering your content towards a stage of the Buyer’s Journey helps you create this kind of relevance that matches with where they’re currently at.

3. Value

The core of every content marketing strategy. Content needs to be valuable—not just in a return-of-investment kind of way, but also in the information you bring and how you deliver it. The content you should produce should be a worthwhile read or watch or what have you. It must be something that they can easily grasp yet tackles all important points. Valuable content is typically useful, informative, and entertaining at the same time, says Michael Saltzstein.

With a well-made content marketing strategy and producing high quality content, you can reach a worldwide audience through the Internet and influence their decisions. Michael Saltzstein can help you improve your content marketing strategy. Visit his website to learn more.